
AMS News Archive

< 2024


  • September

    Gaines Creek Coffee Shop ~ Friday, Sept. 13

    Friday, Sept. 13
    7:30 - 10 am  (If possible, please join us between 8:45 - 10 am)
    Gaines Creek Adolescent Community, 5677 Oak Blvd.

    We hope to see you at our first Coffee Shop of the year on Friday, September 13. We will be open from 7:30 to 10 am. We have many Gaines Creek customers during the first part of the morning, so if your schedule allows for an arrival around 8.45 am, that would be great. Depending on the weather, inside and/or outside seating will be available.   

    We will be serving freshly brewed organic coffee using our new espresso machine, our famous breakfast tacos, Gaines Creek crunchy cluster granola (made with assorted fruit), and the Kale Quinoa Breakfast bowl (with fresh oranges, kale, quinoa, avocados, blueberries, and sweet potato).
  • Join Us for "Coffee with Nadine"

    Come meet our Director of Elementary Programs, Nadine Gardener! Nadine will share with us about transitions and fall happenings in the elementary program, supporting your child's Montessori experience at home, and answer any questions you may have. This conversation will benefit those who already have a child in the Elementary program at Austin Montessori School as well as parents of younger children who are still contemplating whether staying in Montessori through the Elementary years is the right fit for their family.

    Please register through the email you received or the Weekly Bulletin:

    "Coffee with Nadine" at 8:30 am on Friday, Sept. 20, at the Sunset Trail Campus

    "Coffee with Nadine" at 8:30 am on Friday, Sept. 27, at the Great Northern Campus
  • Join us! Coffee with Jinny ~ Friday, Sept. 6 & Friday, Sept. 13

    We hope you will join Jinny Gonzalez, Director of Early Childhood Programs, for the upcoming Coffee with Jinny: Montessori at Home. This event is designed to provide you with valuable insights into how you can incorporate the Montessori philosophy into your home environment, enriching your child's learning and development beyond the classroom.
    This presentation is ideal for early childhood parents who are new to Montessori as well as those who wish to deepen their understanding of how to apply Montessori principles in the home. 

    To help us plan for the gatherings, register through the email you received.
    Sunset Trail: 8:30 am, Friday, Sept. 6, in Clubhouse (behind the office)
    Great Northern: 8:30 am, Friday, Sept. 13, in Casita
  • Families in Nature (FiN) - “Camping 101”

    5:30 - 8 pm
    Friday, Sept. 20

    We will kick off our Families in Nature (FiN) programming with a “Camping 101” event at the Sunset Trail campus on Friday, September 20, from 5:30-8 pm. The FiN Team will be at Sunset Trail, offering a variety of “camping activities” to practice and enjoy without the overnight part. This event is an excellent opportunity for your family to familiarize themselves with camping life. Bring them to enjoy activities such as campout cooking, fire building, compass navigating, knot tying, and fishing.
    Other games and arts and crafts will be included. It will be a fun evening of connection and adventure. Register through the email you received.
  • August

    Register Today! The Positive Discipline Workshop Begins Sept. 26

    Parents and primary caregivers of children aged 0 - 8 years old are warmly invited to join us for a Positive Discipline Workshop. The workshop will be led by Jinny Gonzalez and Sveta Pais, certified Positive Discipline Parent Educators. Click here to learn more about Jinny and Sveta, and read testimonials from parents who attended the workshop in the past year.
    Positive Discipline is for those looking for long-term skills to encourage children to think for themselves, become more responsible, and have greater respect for themselves and others.
    The nature of this workshop is experiential. This means participants will be exploring different techniques through discussion and role-playing rather than listening to a lecture.

    This workshop will be held on the following dates at the Gaines Creek campus, from 6 until 8 pm. We kindly request that you register only if you can attend all/the majority of sessions on the following Thursdays:  Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Oct. 10, Oct. 17, and Oct. 24
    Early registration is encouraged, spaces not filled by September 7 will be offered to families in the waiting pool of applicants. The cost of the workshop is $150 per couple/$100 per individual. Please register through the email you received.
  • Elementary Back-to-School Nights

    We hope to see you at our upcoming Elementary Back-to-School Nights. Your guide will provide helpful information during the gathering, so please ensure at least one parent can attend. This will also be an excellent opportunity to meet other parents in your community. Please make childcare arrangements as the meetings are for adults only.

    • 6:30 pm Tuesday, August 27: Windsong Community  
    • 6:30 pm Wednesday, August 28: Rainsong Community  
    • 6:30 pm Thursday, August 29: Heartsong Community  
    • 6:30 pm Tuesday, September 3: Terra Community
    • 6:30 pm Thursday, September 5: Nova Community* 
    * This date differs from what was shared in the June letter
  • April

    AMS Parents Association Board of Officers 2024-25

    We are grateful to the parents who have stepped up to serve on the AMS Parents Association Board of Officers for the 2024-25 school year. The AMS Parents Association (AMSPA) aims to foster and strengthen the Austin Montessori community, further enriching each child's and family's experience through parent connection and outreach, helping to sustain the school's mission.

    • Communications Chair: Gabrielle Beal
    • Community Care Coordinator: Natalie Ammon
    • Events Co-Chairs: Emily Jablon and Jennifer Moore
    • Great Northern Representative: Angelina Ashton 
    • Gaines Creek Representative: Victoria Priesmeyer 
    • Treasurer and Fundraising Co-Chairs: Jason and Claire Neeley
    • Welcome Committee Chair: Monica Wu
    Thank you to outgoing Board Members Merete Ellington, Rebecca Bitter, Katherine McCoy, and Carla Tremblay. Your efforts will make a difference in the life of our community for years to come!
  • January

    Inclement Weather Reminder

    Austin Montessori School follows the AISD cancellation/delay/early release plan for inclement weather, so if AISD cancels or delays, we will too. In the event of inclement weather, we will communicate through email, a bulletin board post in myAMS, and our website (under "School News").  If there is no communication, we will proceed according to our regular schedule.
Austin Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services, activities, and programs. Austin Montessori School complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), as amended, which incorporates and expands upon the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and any other legally-protected classification or status protected by applicable law.